Monday, August 27, 2007

Fall Semester!

I'm back in school now. Just getting ready for my Spanish class! I love all the classes I'm taking this semester--

-American Indian Studies (FASCINATING! Today we had a discussion on the Chief, and my professor had us divide into groups and identify how many Native American people we could think of. Wednesday the class had to identify as many tribes as they could.)

-World Music (today we learned about sitar and tabla in Indian music, of which I love listening to! We watched a video about Kathak, a traditional Indian dance of storytelling.)

-Elementary Spanish (taught all in Spanish.... have I taken 1 class yet? No! Do I accept challenges? YES!)

-Japanese Tea Ceremony and Zen (U of I has a Japan House, of which they perform tea ceremonies at on Saturday mornings. I will be able to perform a tea ceremony at the end of the semester!)

-Community and Natural Resources (my graduate school course, of which I am the youngest, by far. Whoops. Looks like I'm going to have to work my tushie off!)

Off to class I go! =) =) =)


Neva said...

I am glad you have such enthusiasm for your classes....they sound like fun! Can't wait to hear how spanish goes for you!

GR8UMPS3 said...

How UUUUU Doin?


Mamaw said...

You are a busy girl all the time, I saw how hard you worked at Michigania so I have faith that you will do well in all your classes. It sounds hard to me. Just take care of yourself and be safe. I love You!!!

MotherOf3Guys said...

Did you list your great-great-great grandmother as a Delaware Indian? Sounds like your classes should be fun...good luck!